6/8/20 I can't stress enough how much fun it is to travel and see all the wonderful sites this country has to offer. We have been to 25 states in 2 years and have learned so much about the history of our country and have seen caves, mountains, lakes, rivers, forests and historical sites. But the most awesome part is the people you meet.
We have met people at campgrounds and rallies from around the world - from Canada to England and Germany. From those that are home schooling and traveling with their children, those that travel alone to those that have been full timing for over 20 years. There is so much to learn from the people we meet and we absolutely love it. There is nothing better than to sit around a homemade BBQ dinner or a campfire telling stories of all the things seen and experienced.
We have made some great friends on the road and it is so exciting to meet up at another campground months or years later. Traveling in an RV also provides a means to see family and friends that are stretched out across the United States. There is something to be said about the camaraderie you feel with others living the same lifestyle and having very similar goals in life. It's not about how much you have or what you do/did for a living. It's about the enjoyment of the country and the people you meet. It's something about the simplicity of the lifestyle. Although some events make it not so simple. 🙂
We have never had children, but we have been blessed to have had good jobs, lived a nice lifestyle and to have good health. But we have found that with aging, the biggest blessing of all, is the ability to sell our home and be able to travel and meet awesome people.
Here are just a few pictures of the people that we have met. I'm sorry I can't include everyone, but here is a taste of those that we have had the privilege to meet along the way. Hope to see you again soon. 💖💖💖
